Thursday, May 31, 2007

Today's Forcast

Rainy, T-storms, cooler.

I predict the laundry pile will be reduced, somewhat...dinner at the table with the whole family around cleaned afterwards.

It's been 12 lbs so far on SBD. I have to admit, I'm not so hungry on this plan...with the snacks mid morn and mid afternoon, I haven't had that gnawing hunger usually reserved for diets of no substance. It's been difficult with the exercising (aka walking) with the weather turning sour and the constant chauferring of kids here and's not been easy to keep it up, but I'll find the time, when and how I can.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Run Down

Girls got some Heelys. Big sale at Dunham Sports and a credit for returning a softball bat that turned out to not be "up-to-snuff". They've been wearing them every where!

Friday night was relaxing. Saturday morning was Flames softball for #8, tournament in Tremont. Due to rain and the fact MTHS was graduating the games for Sunday got cancelled. #8 then decided to pick-up the soccer game on Sunday morning. It was the Morton tournament. Metro Select beat Mahomet 4-0. #8 (This is her number in soccer as well) got the final goal late in the game. Surrounded by 4 Mahomet defenders, she juked (meaning in football is: To deceive or outmaneuver a defending opponent by a feint; fake) all 4 of them and then pounded in the final goal. She kicked it so hard, no one on the sidelines knew she kicked it until it had hit the back of the goal net. She then ran out from the huddle behind her, arms raised-up in the air big ole smile on her face. One of the other parents said, "She's like a barn lit on fire." It was sure fun to watch. Sorry for no photo, it was an early morning game, not enough time to grab the camera...even though it was sitting on the kitchen counter on my way to the door.

12-year-old got in some babysitting and earned a little green. Softball practice on Sunday evening.

Monday was a graduation party for Jessica who graduated from MTHS. She's going to Eureka College on a soccer scholarship. Also on the list for Monday, mowing grass, laundry, laundry, oh and did I mention laundry?

Last 4 full days of school...then it's summah time!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Guess What "Dropped-in" on the White House Garden?

Now, if we could only get the birds to do this EVERY TIME the Chimpmaster lies to the nation, we could condition him to start telling the truth.

Well, we could always hope.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Well, today is our 14th Wedding Anniversary. I got a lovely bouquet of flowers, a nice card and dinner out without the kids. Just up the street, but no kids nonetheless. It was nice to be able to have dinner and just talk without interruption. Once we got home both girls were out in the driveway masking off a "Kings Corner" square with tape. Right now I hear the bouncing of a basketball. It's about bedtime, so I'll let them wear off that last bit of energy.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Busy weekend

Both girls had a sleep-over with a friend. One had one Friday night, the other had one on Saturday night.
Scott and I actually got some stuff done outside, I got the flower bed under the light pole planted (I'm working on picture) and the front door foyer cleaned-up and the front door wiped down from all the dirt. Scott got the spots in the yard seeded and layed down straw and watered it. House is relatively clean...laundry almost done.

It was nice not having a soccer/softball game to run to. They really eat-up a weekend and put us all behind at home. The soccer player actually took a some time to kick the ball around and work on some of her "moves" was nice to see her enjoying it again and not the wrinkle of concern while she's playing a game. I got alot of,"Hey mom, watch this!" and then a big giggle after she performed her trick with a barefoot and soccer ball. The coach encourages the girls to kick around while barefoot at home to strengthen their feet and develep the callous' for when they play.

I will be adding pictures soon.

Friday, May 18, 2007


I'll take nursing the broken heart of a daughter over the tragedy of not making the cheer/pom squad over this...they are all someone's child.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Cheer/Pom Tryouts

Well, she didn't make either squad. She was bummed. I was nervous and anxious all day. She hopped into the car and ripped open the envelope and started to cry because her name wasn't on either list. I told her how proud I was of her for having the courage to try-out and for all of her hard work and effort. There, of course were other girls who didn't make either squad, so she will have some shoulders to lean on tomorrow at school, which is bound to be pretty difficult day to get through. Her try-out partner didn't make it either.

We went for a walk around the block and talked and by the time we got home she had found a few things to be glad about and didn't seem too depressed. I think she'll be ok. For me...I will too. I swear, I think it was harder for me. It's never easy when your child feels that level of disappointment and that you cannot shield them from it. Kind of like when you pick them up at school and they are standing off by themselves and a group of kids are taking and laughing amoung themselves, totally ignoring your child. It breaks your heart a little everytime.

I explained to her that disappointment is a part of life and that it was ok to feel sad and cry. But then she had to pull herself up by her boot straps and move forward and that in a few days summer break will be upon her and she would forget all about the heartbreak of not making the cheer or pom pom squad. That she would be a better person for having gone through this.

She is asking for help with her English homework, so she's already in the moving forward phase.

She's my heroine tonight.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Choral Concert in the Courthouse Square

Just got back to work. I left to go watch my 6th grader in her choral debut in the courthouse square downtown. Local schools pick a day in the months of April-May to do a lunchtime performance. Her 6th grade chorus performed.

I feel pretty lucky that I work somewhere where I can leave my desk and work responsibilities for an hour or so over lunch to go see my daughter sing in her class chorus.

They were all superb.

It was sunny and breezy and an overall beautiful afternoon to be outside.

After her group was finished I asked her, "Isn't this better than sitting in a classroom?" She smiled and said, "Yah!"

I have to admit, it was better than sitting in my cubicle, starring at the computer screen. Much better.

What is Wrong with CBS Executives?

Where is JERICHO?

New CBS fall schedule shows it was cancelled. And for what?

Moonlight, a show about a vampire detective? And this is must-see TV? Or how about Swingtown this is about a town of swingers [evidently not the jump, jive and wailin' kind].

I'm thinking someone at CBS should get fired over this. JERICHO was a thought-provoking, intelligent program. It was my guilty pleasure. You know, like the feeling you get when you watch a really good PBS or Discovery Channel program?

JERICHO made my Wed evenings. Geez, I even learned how to record on DISH network so I could watch it later. The clues...the clues...I will miss the clues. [sniffle, blow in kleenex, wail] Where is the commitment to good TV programming? Since when did networks like CBS stop fostering the development of really good shows that entice and enthrall audiences? And Swingtown is going to do what JERICHO did?

Well, I guess this gives me a really good reason to pick-up a book and start reading again.

Shame on CBS, shame!

Angst Over Cheer/Pom Try Outs

Tomorrow is cheerleading and pom pom tryouts for my eldest. (12 years old, 6th grade). She is trying out for the cheer squad and the pom pom. She put down cheer as her first choice but is also trying for the pom team.

I tried out for cheer. I won't go into my history with cheerleading but I did make a squad or two. I have to say, I have way more angst over my daughter trying out than I remember for myself. I mean, what if she doesn't make either? What if all her friends do? This could make for a disasterous 7th & 8th grade. Perhaps I'm over-reacting. I just don't want to see her diminished to tears of disappointment, that feeling of rejection. She is the social one. Friends and peer relationships are very important to her so if she feels left-out, it's devastating.

I've already warned my husband to prepare a speech or words of encouragement for Thursday night. Thursday is try outs. Every girl is to meet in the cafeteria afterwards and they hand out a sealed envelope indicating which girls made which squad. They are not allowed to open them until they get home. I guess that's so they [judges/coaches] don't have to witness the tears while the some girls squeal in delight? Life can be so cruel for a 6th grade girl.

Say a prayer, hope for the best.

Mother's Day Contest Winner

I got this great email from my twinkie (twin sister). Enjoy!

This is a story that was submitted for a Mother's Day moment contest.

We had this great 10 year old cat named Jack who just recently died. Jack was a great cat and the kids would carry him around and sit on him and nothing ever bothered him. He used to hang out and nap all day long on this mat in our bathroom.

Well, we have 3 kids and at the time of this story they were 4 years old, 3
years old and 1 year old. The middle one is Eli. Eli really loves chapstick. LOVES IT. He kept asking to use my chapstick and then losing it. So finally one day I showed him where in the bathroom I keep my chapstick and how he could use it whenever he wanted to but he needed to put it right back in the drawer when he was done.

Last year on Mother's Day, we were having the typical rush around and try to get ready for Church with everyone crying and carrying on. My two boys are fighting over the toy in the cereal box. I am trying to nurse my little one at the same time I am putting on my make-up. Everything is a mess and everyone has long forgotten that this is a wonderful day to honor me and the amazing job that is motherhood.

We finally have the older one and the baby loaded in the car and I am looking for Eli. I have searched everywhere and I finally round the corner to go into the bathroom. And there was Eli. He was applying my chapstick very carefully to Jack's . . rear end. Eli looked right into my eyes and said "chapped." Now if you have a cat, you know that he is right--their little butts do look pretty chapped.

And, frankly, Jack didn't seem to mind.

And the only question to really ask at that point was whether it was the FIRST time Eli had done that to the cat's behind or the hundredth.

And THAT is my favorite Mother's Day moment ever because it reminds us that no matter how hard we try to civilize these glorious little creatures, there will always be that day when you realize they've been using your
chapstick on the cat's butt.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Welcome to my blog. I hope to share with you some hopes and dreams for myself and my kids but mostly just the day-to-day diary of our busy lives. I have two daughters. Both very different and unique and yet I see myself in both of them. My husband has managed to pass along some of his genes. Thank god I love his family! :)

I am a soccer mom, softball mom, track mom, basketball mom and chauffuer for all the BFF's. We regularly host sleep-overs on the weekends and have the kids in the neighborhood over to our house to play on a pretty regular basis.

How does one handle that constant stream of everyone's kids? I guess it's better than having no kids over! Besides, I like knowing where my kids are and who they play with.

I am sometimes overwhelmed beyond belief. Oh yeah, and I work full-time, outside the house. I live in a cubicle by day, chock full of pictures of my kids! I also started a color-coded calendar of daily events so I know who has what, when and where I need to drop them-off or pick them-up. Some of the other parents on my daughter's teams have more than 2 parent has 6...HOW DO THEY DO IT AND STILL REMAIN SO SANE!!!???

Well. It's getting late. Better get some rest so I can get-up and function tomorrow.

Alarm [set], lights [out]. Sigh. Oh yeah, and like my Grandma Marie used to say...from Sun Up to Sun Down a Mother's work is never done.

La RoRoe