Friday, May 16, 2008

Cheerleader Brenna

YEAH! In case you hadn't heard, this year Brenna was successful in her endeavor and made the cheerleading squad at GHMS (Germantown Hills Middle School).

There were 5 girls returning and two spots open for the 8th grade squad for next school year and Brenna was one of those two.

I think the best part of this is she learned a very important lesson. After not making either the pom or cheer squad last year, she went to work on taking dance/pom and tumbling classes for her entire 7th grade year. She also received instruction on jumps, stunts and kicks. I'm so proud of the fact that she set her sites on a goal, worked her tushy off for it and reaped the benefits of hardwork.

I think she's learned that if you want something enough and are willing to work hard for it, it will pay off.

Congrats, kiddo, I'm proud of you. :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

NEW schedule

Nowthat track has ended for Brenna...we now have a new, revised schedule:

Brenna tumbling
Peyton Morton Blaze soccer practice

Brenna dance/pom

Peyton electric guitar lessons

Peyton Morton Blaze soccer practice


This weekend we will all be in Champaign, IL for a soccer torunament. The beauty of this is it's the only one we will have to travel for and stay overnight. The other two tournaments are in Bloomington (45 minute drive) and Morton has their own tournament over Memorial Day weekend.

Other than that they play league games in Springfield but that's a Sunday afternoon...nothing majah!

So far Peyton's U-10 girls team has played 5 games and won 4.

Monday, April 21, 2008

In case you were wondering...

Scott turns 40 this Thursday!

We're Rockin and Rollin

In case you haven't heard. We've been experiencing some aftershocks since Friday's wall-banging earthquake [snicker].

Apparently there was a 5.2 magnitude earthquake in S. Illinois on Friday around 4:36 am. Now, we were all fast asleep...well, everyone except for Bandit. I'm pretty sure she felt it. I know she made her way into our bed sometime early in the morning and I had to kick her out. You see, McKenzie (cat) is 11 years older and she has dibs on the bed and doesn't wish to share with that "dog." So, I wasn't being mean, it is just something not allowed and so unusual for Bandit to crawl into bed without permission from Scott or I. I was thinking later in the morning that she was probably just checking in on us and didn't feel comfortable until she could stick her cold, wet nose on my face while I slept. For the record, McKenzie was no where to be found, I'm a tad hurt she was so indifferent about the whole thing, at least Bandit cared enough to check in on us!

I did experience the aftershock later in the day. I was sitting at my desk around 10:15 am and felt a wave buckle under my feet, the scanner on my desk shifted, the computer screen blinked and the papers hanging on my cube walls shuffled. I looked across the aisle to Roland, my coworker, and he said, "Was that what I think it was?" The news reported it as a 4.6 aftershock. I called Scott at work and he said he didn't feel it but others in the office did.

Apparently just after midnight this morning there was another aftershock of around 4.5 in magnitude. The news have reported 18 aftershocks since the original and that we should prepare for more.

I'm providing you a link to the New Madrid earth quake wiki page. It gives more insight into why everyone is so nervous about this quake and the aftershocks.

I know, Sean, Ryan and Janet are probably thinking, what's the big deal, California has quakes all this time! Just scan down to the comparison map with a California quake near the bottom of the page, it shows how a quake of equal magnitude effects each fault line.

I'll keep you updated as we feel more or in case we get a BIG ONE! hahahahaha!(probably shouldn't joke about it!)

All Weeklong

I know, I've been neglectful. Our camera had to take a trip to the camera shop for repairs so I haven't been doing a very good job of updating. Mostly b/c I've been crazy busy (I'll explain later.)

I realize the whole intension of having a blog was to keep everyone informed about our lives b/c we're too busy to tell you all individually.

So with that said, my deepest apologies for not keeping you all better informed. I promise to do better (it's getting harder and harder to wrangle the laptop from the kids each night) but I'm commited to doing better.

Here's a breakdown of our weekly activities list (more proof of how busy we all are!):

Brenna has track practice or meet / tumbling class
Peyton has Morton Blaze soccer practice/scrimmages

Brenna has track practice or meet / dance class

Brenna has track practice or meet
Peyton has electric guitar lessons

Brenna has track practice or meet
Peyton has Morton Blaze Soccer practice

Brenna has track practice or meet

So as you see...every night we have to be somewhere with someone. Carpooling has become a way of life, but there is always another kid doing something, somewhere so it's not like we get a night off.

Weekends are fast becoming a time for "catch-up" and now that soccer has started...we could have league games or tournaments. Every weekend except for Mother's Day weekend is a tournament for Peyton.

Thank god, it'll start to slow down once school is out and starting the second week in'll ease up a bit.

Friday, January 25, 2008

One from the files

Grandad Rod celebrated a birthday on Monday. Here's a picture from the Christmas files of him passing along pizza dough family secrets to Peyton. I didn't have any pictures of the "Great Pickle Torture" experiment, my apologies. hee hee hee

Quick update

I know, I know, I've been neglectful.

The Mac Book is at Apple for a second time for a fix. It keeps shutting down after the first repair after Christmas. It's too difficult for me to upload pictures at work or on the G4 as the software is different.

So, please be patient!

Brenna has been working hard to land her back flip in tumbling. All week she has been practicing her back bend and walk-over to help her on her way to landing her back flip. She can now do both...correctly. A little practice goes a long way!

Maybe in a couple of weeks we'll be able to take some shots of her doing her back flip!

I got tickets for the Bradley vs ISU bball game (wed) from work so all four of us got to go for a "family night out." Bradely won by one point. It was definately a greatgame to get to see and it sure beats sitting at home on a cold night with cabin fever!

Peyton has a basketball game tomorrow morning and then Sunday afternoon an indoor soccer game with her Morton team...
