Monday, April 21, 2008

All Weeklong

I know, I've been neglectful. Our camera had to take a trip to the camera shop for repairs so I haven't been doing a very good job of updating. Mostly b/c I've been crazy busy (I'll explain later.)

I realize the whole intension of having a blog was to keep everyone informed about our lives b/c we're too busy to tell you all individually.

So with that said, my deepest apologies for not keeping you all better informed. I promise to do better (it's getting harder and harder to wrangle the laptop from the kids each night) but I'm commited to doing better.

Here's a breakdown of our weekly activities list (more proof of how busy we all are!):

Brenna has track practice or meet / tumbling class
Peyton has Morton Blaze soccer practice/scrimmages

Brenna has track practice or meet / dance class

Brenna has track practice or meet
Peyton has electric guitar lessons

Brenna has track practice or meet
Peyton has Morton Blaze Soccer practice

Brenna has track practice or meet

So as you see...every night we have to be somewhere with someone. Carpooling has become a way of life, but there is always another kid doing something, somewhere so it's not like we get a night off.

Weekends are fast becoming a time for "catch-up" and now that soccer has started...we could have league games or tournaments. Every weekend except for Mother's Day weekend is a tournament for Peyton.

Thank god, it'll start to slow down once school is out and starting the second week in'll ease up a bit.