Sunday, September 16, 2007

Peyton's clavical

Peyton injured her clavical (collar bone) at practice. It took a trip to the ER Tuesday night for x-rays.
It's a good thing my 401 investments are spread throughout the healthcare industry, seeing as our family is funding it quite nicely.

She went down after getting tangled with another player going after the ball in practice scrimmage and her collar bone tore.
I say tore because she didn't exactly break it. She went to the Orthopaedic office to see Dr. Garst on Friday. He confirmed the injury the ER doc found in the x-rays.

Dr Garst described it as when a grown-up breaks their clavical (collar bone) it breaks apart and overlaps or there is a gap. Peyton's collar bone is more like a stick. When you go to bend the stick it tears but doesn't completely break through. When it heals, she'll have a bump but as she grows it will completely flatten over time. He predicted her bone would grow over the tear in about three to four weeks. She goes back for an x-ray on October 12th and he seems to think she will be ok to play in the October 13th soccer game for the Aqua Sharks.

I broke my collar bone as a kid and I had to wear one of those figure 8 slings for months (or at least it felt like months). These days, since collar bones heal faster than most bones and as long as surgery isn't required... an arm sling to hold the arm in position is all that is required. Peyton doesn't even have to wear it all day and night...she gets to take it off, only uses it during school and when we go somewhere.

She's already walking around swinging her arm back and forth. The only thing she isn't able to do as of yet is lift the arm up over her head.

She's out of PE until her next x-ray and no she's pretty bummed.

But all in all, it's not a complicated or lengthy healing time, she still gets to play the last two games in her soccer season and a tournament with Metro Select at the end of October. So not all is lost, it's not a life-altering injury; Brenna's wrist break was definately worse than this and she is completely healed.

She did go to her make-up game (Aqua Sharks) on Thursday and cheered her teammates on. Her teammates lost 4-0. They kept saying, "Peyton we neeeeeed you!"

Mom, it looks like her first soccer game after her injury will be the one you will be here for.