Metro Select beat Geneseo for the final game on Sunday 10-5.
G-pa Don, we know how much you luvvvvvvvvvvv Geneseo. The Geneseo parents were more obnoxious this game then the one we beat them 3-2 in the Mossville Shoot-out in May. After many strong warnings from the ref in the first half, he went over to their side-line at half-time and we saw him talking to them and pointing to the parking lot. All of us were secretly hoping he would clear out their side as they were just plain embarrassing their girls.
So, it was an undefeated soccer tournament at a lovely soccer complex. Fun was had by all. I'm not sure what their standing was by the end of the tournament but Metro Select most likely finished in one of the top spots. Springfield Predators were slaughtering everyone in their division and their goal differential was pretty hard to beat.
Peyton scored another two goals against Geneseo for a grand total of 4 goals for the weekend. And G-pa Don, she enjoyed the 2 against Geneseo the most. :)