Monday, June 4, 2007

Weekend Update

Friday Night
Brenna's softaball team (6th-8th graders) beat Washburn 11-6.
Scott is one of the coaches. She did a great job, brought in some runs, stole some bases and even pitched a few innings.

Peyton had a double-header in Deer Creek. The Flames lost both games. The scores were close but I can't remember off-hand what the final's were.

Metro Select Soccer team had 2 league play games. Lost 2-0 to Little Illini (Champaign) even though we lost, our U10 girls hung close with the older U11 girls from their team. Also, lost to SASA (Springfield) 2-0. Again, the girls hung close and even looked a bit better than the other older team. Not bad all in all.
Games were played in Bloomington.